“What's Inside?”

December 2024
“What’s Inside?”

“Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Ps 51:10

As the song says, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” But it’s also the busiest time of the year! Houses are being decorated, parties are being planned, cards are being sent and gifts are being purchased. We’re filled with so many emotions during the Christmas season. There are moments when we’re so full of joy about celebrating with our family and friends. There are moments when we’re overcome with memories of loved ones that are no longer with us. There is the excitement of making preparations and also dread for all the work that these next few weeks entail.  

With all the “busyness” we may even find ourselves holding on to a “grin and bear it” mentality. If we can just survive these next few weeks then we’ll be able to rest and get back to “normal.”

There’s so much that we “have to do” during this time of the year that it’s so easy to ignore the thing we “need” the most. We all need more Jesus within us.

Our lives don’t need another Christmas present or another Christmas tree. We need a deeper connection to the Christ child. We need to understand what we’re experiencing and why we’re feeling this way. We need to know “What’s Inside” our heart.

When we look inside ourselves we find out there’s a lot more “stuff” than we care to admit. There are so many things that we hold onto: sin, regret, material possessions, bitterness, pain…

If we’re honest with ourselves we will quickly realize that we need Jesus to be born into our lives again this year. We need a Savior to save us from ourselves and our desires that are never satisfied. We need a “pure heart” and a “steadfast spirit.” We need the Hope, Peace, Joy and Love of the Advent of baby Jesus.

Don’t be afraid to listen to your heart this Advent season. Don’t be afraid to look inside. Because the parties, the decorations, and the presents will all come and go… but “What’s Inside” is the thing that matters the most.

In Christ,
Pastor Thomas